Monday, January 5, 2015
In my previous blog on the 'Garbage Saga', while focusing on one Individual I wrote about the situation in Bengaluru and also about the challenges worldwide. This subject deserves a lot of attention and there are books written about the 'Garabage Challenge'.One such book is at Garbage Land: On the Secret Trail of Trash:
The blog, in a nutshell, was about the well entrenched mafia and the continued effort by a group of very committed individuals who work at different levels using various means to break this monopoly. They try to educate, motivate, coax and even shame people involved. The latest was to involve the high court by filing a PIL. While we keep our hopes up, the garbage menace continues especially in our area, namely Kumara park.
In our conversation Ramakanth had mentioned about a collection centre near the children's play area in K P East. And I stumbled upon it as I took a walk to the area to see the yearly event, the chitra santhe, the painters market.
The pictures speak for themselves and my question is again, 'What kind of people are we?' We steal space from children's play area to install a Garbage collection centre! But more shocking is the way the play area is maintained. Also my grand son would call it weird, if he discovers that the park next to the play area is locked up after 11 am and is open only in the evening for some reason!
It becomes utterly shocking if you walk a little ahead and turn either left or right. You see the Gandhi Bhavan on the right. I bet Gandhi would have gone on hunger strike if he had seen this abominable play area. And there are two palatial bungalows on the left occupied, if I am right, by the leader of the opposition party and probably a senior minister. I guess there is no need for them to take a walk outside their spacious bungalows and when they are driven by the park they either look away or are otherwise occupied. In any case we all are experts in putting our 'mental' blinkers on when we see such ugly sights!
While it is shame on the people responsible, it is also shame on us that we allow such things to happen and allow it to continue!
The blog, in a nutshell, was about the well entrenched mafia and the continued effort by a group of very committed individuals who work at different levels using various means to break this monopoly. They try to educate, motivate, coax and even shame people involved. The latest was to involve the high court by filing a PIL. While we keep our hopes up, the garbage menace continues especially in our area, namely Kumara park.
In our conversation Ramakanth had mentioned about a collection centre near the children's play area in K P East. And I stumbled upon it as I took a walk to the area to see the yearly event, the chitra santhe, the painters market.
The pictures speak for themselves and my question is again, 'What kind of people are we?' We steal space from children's play area to install a Garbage collection centre! But more shocking is the way the play area is maintained. Also my grand son would call it weird, if he discovers that the park next to the play area is locked up after 11 am and is open only in the evening for some reason!
It becomes utterly shocking if you walk a little ahead and turn either left or right. You see the Gandhi Bhavan on the right. I bet Gandhi would have gone on hunger strike if he had seen this abominable play area. And there are two palatial bungalows on the left occupied, if I am right, by the leader of the opposition party and probably a senior minister. I guess there is no need for them to take a walk outside their spacious bungalows and when they are driven by the park they either look away or are otherwise occupied. In any case we all are experts in putting our 'mental' blinkers on when we see such ugly sights!
While it is shame on the people responsible, it is also shame on us that we allow such things to happen and allow it to continue!
The Dry Waste collection centre
This end of the playground is dangerous
The play ground before the Dry Waste centre was located in the park. It seems Garbage was ever present near this play ground.
The palatial bungalows about 100 meters are so on the left. Not sure who lives there now. However the article below is an intriguing read.
I quote from the above link: 'Siddaramaiah has chosen to stay at his present bungalow, at Kumara Park East, which was allotted to him after he became the leader of opposition in the legislative assembly during the tenure of the previous government. On Sunday, one could see workers demolishing a part of the compound wall of the bungalow next to Siddaramaiah’s, reportedly to let the CM use both the bungalows.' Monday, 17 June 2013 |
- Very sad indeed! With all the brain power at our disposal, why can't we Indians come up with a solution to handle the garbage? The even sadder part is that, we humans, are bent upon ruining our own beautiful planet! What a legacy to leave for our children!
- Very sad! What can be done? That is the question.
- The operative line is "What sort of people are we?"This needs analysis.